Expanding abilities one person at a time

What's Happening

  • A motorcycle ride with a message

    MELLENVILLE — Over 120 bikers and riders revved up their engines for a motorcycle ride benefiting Coarc on Sunday. The ride started at the Plaza Diner in Hudson and ended at Claverack Town Park in Mellenville. When Coarc representatives first reached out to the Columbia County chapter of American Bikers Aimed Toward Education three years ago to do a ride, its treasurer mentioned how people... Learn More

  • Possibility – The Space Between Limits

    In 1965, a group of parent who wished to provide a place for their children with disabilities to live, work, and be educated established an organization called Coarc in Columbia County, NY. Today, Coarc supports over 500 people with disabilities through a wide variety of services. Its mission is to expand abilities, one person at a time, so individuals experiencing disabilities can achieve their p... Learn More

  • 2017 Annual Report

    A Message from the President When we finally live in a world where we look at the person, not the disability, we will see the opportunities, not the limitations. Regardless of color, gender, physical appearance, or capacity to learn, when presented with possibilities, dreams grow, skills develop, confidence builds, and “You can’t” is replaced with “Oh, yes you can.” Here at Coarc, our... Learn More

  • Coarc to Host Annual Golf Tournament to Support Programs for People with Disabilities

    Coarc, the county’s largest nonprofit supporting persons with disabilities, is proud to host the 11th annual Coarc OpportuniTees Gerald J. Dieffenbach Memorial Golf Tournament on Thursday, September 13, 2018 (rain date: 9/20) at Copake Country Club. The event honors former Coarc Board President and avid golfer Gerald J. Dieffenbach. Funds raised by sponsors and golfers support Coarc programs and... Learn More

  • NYSARC Trust Services Awards Funds for Guardianship and Recreation Grants

    Coarc has been awarded $46,500 in grants from the Trustee Management Board of NYSARC Trust Services to support our guardianship and recreation programs. NYSARC Trust Services administers supplemental needs trusts (SNT) that can make dramatic improvements to the lives of people with disabilities while enabling individuals to maintain eligibility for public benefits programs, such as Medicaid and... Learn More

  • ABATE Receives Coarc’s Opportunity for Community Excellence Award

    Coarc’s Opportunity for Community Excellence is an annual award that Coarc extends to an external agency or individual that has helped fulfill our agency’s mission of expanding abilities, one person at a time, so individuals experiencing disabilities can achieve their individual goals. Nominations for this award come from and are discussed throughout the Coarc community, and are ultimately sel... Learn More

  • Coarc Celebrates with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

    Coarc, the county’s largest organization supporting individuals with disabilities, celebrated the relocation of its “Cardinal Hall” Day Habilitation Program with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony provided by the Columbia County Chamber of Commerce on May 17th. The new location, at 350 Fairview Avenue, Hudson (in Columbia Center plaza) is welcoming, bright, and spacious. Adults with intellectual a... Learn More

  • $55 Million in State budget to fund increases for Direct Support Professionals!

    Today at the New York State Capitol there was a #bfair2directcare campaign rally in a last push effort to encourage Governor Andrew Cuomo to include money in the State budget to provide DSP’s (Direct Support Professionals) with an increase in wages.  Advocacy can and does work! That the Governor himself showed up at the rally and announced the good news!  The legislature and the Governor hav... Learn More

  • Thank you, MetzWood Insurance!

    A big THANK YOU to MetzWood Insurance for the $700 donation to Coarc -- from their "Help Our Community" referral program. Pictured here are Matt Wood and Jeff Knight from MetzWood Insurance, and Pam Dusharm and Ken Stall from Coarc. Based in Columbia County and family-owned for four generations (since 1913), MetzWood supports charitable giving. Visit www.metzwood.com for more information. ... Learn More

  • Mark Harris, in the Employment Training Program

    He is in the Coarc Employment Training Program, which teaches individuals how to prepare for jobs in the community. His first impressions: "It's good - I like the store!" Gina Marcou, Mark's Job Coach, says "I love working with Mark. He is highly motivated, accommodating, and anxious to find a job." A customer also remarked how welcoming he is. Mark also attends the Coarc-to-College Program ... Learn More